I bought it because of the package. I knew it wasn’t fresh fruit. I didn’t mind that it would be dried.
But how to contain my disappointment when I open and see this?
The Museum Of Marketing Madness
Curating, skewering and roasting the worst of advertising to comic perfection
I bought it because of the package. I knew it wasn’t fresh fruit. I didn’t mind that it would be dried.
But how to contain my disappointment when I open and see this?
There really is nothing “adult” about these pretzels. In fact, I’m feeling immature making fun of this.
But I mean, c’mon! Nutzels and Rods???
Remind me to use this one when I present The Museum of Marketing Madness to high school boys.
You can have your chocolate eggs. To me, no candy better sums up the Easter holiday spirit than a tiny breath mint in pastel colors.
No imagination here. What kinda food truck is this beyond that they have chicken? So, unable to conjure any sorta hook, they just say “Dream Chicken.” Maybe for you, but for the chicken happily spreading his wings, eyes bulging … THIS IS NO DREAM.
And to my wife, I bequeath this bag of quinoa seeds…
Because you may want to find out who made the olive oil that poisoned you.
That is…before GLUTEN came along and ruined everything….
…put on this chef’s toque. It’ll look great!
That’s it…hold it! Mouth open! Perfect!!
I think the right-to-life movement may take issue with this. Life begins at conception…not when you try 3-cheese queso. Right?