Someone selected the wrong stock graphic for this pipe insulation utility truck.
Maybe they’re saying, if you put lightbulbs into these gears we can crush and pulverize them and that will save you energy because you won’t have lightbulbs anymore.

The Museum Of Marketing Madness
Curating, skewering and roasting the worst of advertising to comic perfection
And if you read the signs carefully through elevator banks 1, 2 and 3 you can see that they are talking about “Meeting in style in the heart of the Main Line.” Oh yeah that…
“What the hell? If we get just a few more customers wandering in because they think we’re Whole Foods, it’ll be worth getting the name.”
The window display of the Loft store at one of the most prominent locations on planet earth, 42nd and Broadway, should make a strong impression.
But what is this? It looks … hmm … can’t really see much on display here.
Well now wait a second, there is SOMETHING.
Yes it’s a Windows Error in the Window.
Roman can only make so much money as yet-another-joint-delivering-Viagra-to-your-door, so why not vitamins? BUT, vitamins are so … A, B, B12, C. And if they list out the ingredients that’s just not as cool with the slick graphics and photos.
Why don’t we list this one really exotic ingredient that does who-the-hell-knows what as the very last one … BOOM!
They’ll buy it! Who wouldn’t?
…said the agency who sold the client on this cute/cool concept. Sure, even if it’s Staten Island, they’ll just be like,
“Whoa, cute logo. Hip. Cool. I’m down!”
Then they’ll say,
“Whoa … why am I on a ferry? Not cool.”
Citibank is holding everything up.
They also have a lotta people’s money too
On the subway, a rather sloppy ad for The Guardian Angels. It’s not like they bought ad space and have an agency running their campaign.
That’s what happens when you have CRAZY J handling your media.
I think when Home Depot sponsored Nine Inch Nails’ “Sheetrock Tour” the Stones were all:
other bonus throwaway jokes include:
“Can’t ya hear me knockin’ because this package cannot be delivered without a signature”
“I can’t get no overnight shipping”
“Sympathy For The Bubble Wrap”
“Give my 2 pound package shelter”
Because otherwise we would scare the children?
Why? Did I screw up getting dressed again?? Shit!!
I dunno. Why do you advertise?
Because loincloths are SO 10,000 BC?
Because you came up with an ad campaign so stupid I could write these jokes all day