Would a manly man really take vitamin gummies?
No Wonder We Have Made ZERO Progress
Citibank is holding everything up.
They also have a lotta people’s money too
And The Dominant Color For This Brand Will Be…
How much time do you think they debated what that color should be for this product?
More For Less Is More More More More Moreorless
The boss said:
“Here’s 300 of these ‘Something More For Less’ signs. Put ’em around the store.”
And the clerk said:
“F that. Imma just put ’em all in one aisle.”
Let’s Make Our Tellers Unemployed
Why don’t they just come out and say it?
“The more you do for yourself, the less we do for you.”
“And the less we do for you, the more money we make. And the more money we make…well, you get the idea.”
Marketing By Crazy J
On the subway, a rather sloppy ad for The Guardian Angels. It’s not like they bought ad space and have an agency running their campaign.
That’s what happens when you have CRAZY J handling your media.
Dead Animals. It’s What’s For Dinner
You can always make ’em cute with lots of bright colors. But they are still, and always will be:
Dead animals that we eat.

Exile On Main Street, Apartment 6F, Leave With Doorman
I think when Home Depot sponsored Nine Inch Nails’ “Sheetrock Tour” the Stones were all:
other bonus throwaway jokes include:
“Can’t ya hear me knockin’ because this package cannot be delivered without a signature”
“I can’t get no overnight shipping”
“Sympathy For The Bubble Wrap”
“Give my 2 pound package shelter”
Exit Light … Enter Jelly Queen
After cropping these pictures I now have nightmares about this beast.
This is as scary as clowns are to small children. That face!! No teeth or opening for a mouth, just a reddish jelled mass under a protrusion. Some sorta blue-ish translucent eyebrow curled into a wicked hook shape!
And the entire body, another shiny, jelled translucent mass, with an arm and hand-like appendage that conjures some sorta CG movie monster melting under hot lights.
Run Chicky Run! They’re Gonna Kill You!
As noted before, I’m not a fan of depicting the actual animal in cartoon form in my food marketing. So, although this guy looks happy-ish, he is RUNNING so what does that tell you? Yes, we understand this may be advertising fast food but seriously?
The word play is pretty shoddy too. A better tag line would be: